Justin Townsend

Motivational Speaker

Justin Townsend is a beacon of inspiration and resilience. Born and raised in Oakland, CA, his life story is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul. From facing homelessness at a young age and battling severe addiction to being thrust into the world of crime and depression, Justin has faced adversities that would break many. However, instead of succumbing to these challenges, he used them as stepping stones to build a life of purpose and impact. Despite not attending high school, he achieved his GED at the age of 30, proving that it's never too late to chart a new course in life. Today, as a motivational speaker, Justin shares his profound journey of overcoming homelessness, addiction, and personal demons. He emphasizes the importance of a champion mindset and offers insights on authenticity, self-investment, and the transformative power of perseverance. Through his words and actions, Justin aims to ignite change, inspire growth, and empower others to shatter their own barriers and embrace their true potential.

Meet Justin
  • Addiction

    Delve into Justin's personal journey from the streets to success, exploring the mental and emotional battles he faced and the strategies he employed to overcome addiction and homelessness. This talk sheds light on the resilience of the human spirit and the power of determination.

  • Depression and Mental Health

    A candid discussion on the silent battles many face, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being, recognizing signs, and seeking help. Justin shares his own experiences with depression, offering hope and practical advice for those struggling.

  • Champion Mindset

    What does it take to develop a mindset that refuses to give up? Justin delves into the psychology of winners, sharing strategies to cultivate a champion's attitude, even in the face of adversity.

  • SMART Goal Setting

    A hands-on workshop that introduces the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) framework. Justin guides participants through the process of setting actionable and realistic goals, ensuring they leave with a clear path forward

  • Self-Investment and Growth

    A motivational session that underscores the importance of investing in oneself. Justin shares tips on personal growth, from education and skill acquisition to mental and physical well-being.

  • Professional Development

    Drawing from his own transformative journey, Justin offers insights into self-improvement in the professional realm. Topics include networking, continuous learning, and leveraging personal experiences for career growth.

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Keynote Speaking Engagements & Achievements

Justin has been the esteemed keynote speaker at various prestigious platforms, sharing his transformative journey and champion mindset:

  • 1st Annual EastBay Health and Wellness Event: Delivered insights on the importance of mental and physical well-being.
  • 1st Annual Speranza Society - Leaving a Legacy of Hope:
    Keynote speaker at this inaugural event, emphasizing the importance of hope, resilience, and community in overcoming life's challenges and creating a lasting legacy.
  • Alameda County Probation Department:
    Addressed officers, staff, and individuals on probation, sharing insights on rehabilitation, the power of second chances, and the importance of community support in reintegrating individuals back into society.
  • Code Tenderloin's Job Readiness and Coding Graduates at LinkedIn Headquarters:
    Motivated graduates who've overcome significant barriers to learn coding and job readiness skills. Spoke about the transformative power of education, determination, and the opportunities the tech world can offer.
  • Marin's Community High School: Inspired students with his story of change and determination.
  • Marin County Probation Wall of Change: Honored as the keynote speaker for his commendable transformation and successful completion of probation.
  • Service Corp Gathering: Addressed an audience of 150 mothers and children, emphasizing resilience and personal growth.
  • St. Anthony's Foundation Forum for Good: Addressed judges, politicians, donors, and the board of directors, showcasing the potential for transformation even in challenging circumstances.
  • Tamalpais High School, Marin: Engaged with students, imparting lessons on overcoming adversity and the power of a champion mindset.